Look at this happy bunch of people. A bunch of comedians really. (I also met Johnny Ryan and Mark's lovely wife, Carla Sinclair- not shown in photo.) I took this photo at the Maker Faire/Felt Club event at Los Angeles County College last month. I spent a day hanging out there during my trip to L.A. for the GREEN Show. It was a day well spent. Lots of activities going on and hand-crafted items to buy. And did I mention happy people? If Boingboing isn't enough, Mark and Carla are also the editors of Make and Craft magazines. Bubbly Jenny Ryan is founder of the L.A. Felt Club and she is also the wife of amazing cartoonist Johnny Ryan. Talented and sparkly Ruth Waytz is Coop's wife and muse, among other things. Kate Flannery plays Meredith Palmer on the NBC show, The Office. Some people just know how to have fun and encourage others while they are at it.
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