Here are the painted headstocks of the fine art ukes in my solo show, "Dreamgirls and Ukes".
I came up with these names (and headstock logos) based on my paintings on the bodies of the ukes. These are painted fine art "sculptures" that are also rare antique musical instruments. They all actually play and were set up by a luthier. The ukes also relate to the framed oil paintings (on linen) in the show, using some of the same motifs on both. I wanted the show to be not only painterly, but literary and musical. Poetic, like surrealism and dada, yet also all about design, too. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed collecting and painting these ukes and having them restored. I saved them from the trash bin in some cases and also enhanced them. It's a miracle they have survived this long (some are 90 years old!), since many ukes have gotten destroyed over the years. Playing them wears them down, too, and it has always been up to the person who owns them what he or she will do with an old instrument. Mint condition ukuleles are ones that no one has ever really played, and because of that, we are able to experience them without seeing any damage. Some people just love to look at rare things. Some people love instrument design and wood. Some love to collect historic things. Some love fine art. And some love the sound of an antique instrument. These are all one-of-a-kind fine art objects. There will be no others like them. Some of the antiques ukes are so rare you will be hard-pressed to find another like it.
The Art of Amy Crehore
See my previous posts for the bodies of these instruments!
See my previous posts for the bodies of these instruments!
All of these designs are copyright 2009 Amy Crehore
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