It was really hard to choose a winner from so many good limericks!
That is why it has taken me so long to decide. Anne Marie won the big prize with a couple of great poems. But, Digital Misfit, Treplovski and David G are runners up and they will each get a little something in the mail from me. Please drop me a note with your address, if your poem is posted below.
That is why it has taken me so long to decide. Anne Marie won the big prize with a couple of great poems. But, Digital Misfit, Treplovski and David G are runners up and they will each get a little something in the mail from me. Please drop me a note with your address, if your poem is posted below.
Anne Marie wrote:
There once was a lion named Fred
who was used by his girl as a bed.
He believed she was true,
or at least, wanted to,
though when sleeping, the bee'd give her head.
A girl and her pal, Mr. Bee,
Were at rest on a giant kitty.
Though unsafe in the nude,
the girl kept him subdued
by playing her banjolele.
Digital Misfit wrote-
There was once a young lady named Leigh
Who slept naked with a beast and a bee
When asked 'Aren't you scared'
Replied 'No, I'm prepared
To strike with my ukulele'
Treplovski wrote-
A banjo she'd found in the attic
Had rendered the lion ecstatic.
As they dozed on the lawns
A large bee claimed her mons.
Ah yes, this could be problematic.
David G wrote-
A lovely musician named Joan
Would greet passing boys with a groan
So she brought out her pet
As a live basinette
And now passersby leave her alone!
Thanks to all for participating! There are some really creative people out there. It was a lot of fun reading them all!
Woo hoo! Go Anne.
Hi woodshed-
If you know Anne...plese tell her to get in touch with me. :)
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