Here's just a glimpse of my two new paintings. They have lots of layers of paint. I am waiting for the weather to clear before I can take slides of the completed paintings. Then I will scan the slides for you. "The Waiting Pool" has 10 figures in it. I allowed myself to work on them for as long as I wanted to and they took me... a long time! I scanned these small details directly from the paintings.
tease...immediately started praying for sunshine ;)I'll be waiting at the pool
Ha...thanks you guys.
Oh I love these! *s*
What a darling child-clown, She reminds me of the special little girl in my life!
(I'll send you a pic)
Nice introduction of the horse and fan too!
Sometimes it feels as if you've painting just for me but I'm sure most who love your work think the same - the mark of a great artist, your art appeals to such a large audience.
Can hardly wait to see all of this series! From the sketches you posted before they'll be really good!
Well, it's only two paintings that took me forever to paint...but I think it's the beginning of something new. Who knows if it will be a series, but perhaps it will! Thanks, Sugarpie!
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