Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Word "Flower" Will Find Me

"The Flower Muncher", painting by Amy Crehore

Someone pointed out to me a while back that if you do an image search on google for the word "flower", my painting "The Flower Muncher" is right there on the first page. In fact, if you google the names of my series or the individual titles of my paintings, they can often be found on the first page of web listings and/or images. That's pretty nifty.
Here's my news: I now have a show lined up in NYC (July 2008) and a solo show in L.A. in Feb. 2009 and various group shows in-between in other places, so I am currently painting away on new works. The # 2 Tickler Uke is still in production, unfortunately. Sometimes really good things take longer than expected. It's a nice spring day here in Oregon after a week of craaaazy weather. And...this is the last day of a 20% off print sale at Pressure Printing.

Carnival in Rio

Angelo Sartori has an amazing set of photos on flickr of the 2008 Carnival in Rio De Janeiro. Have a look at more here. This parade has massive surreal babies, beauty parlors on wheels, brightly colored costumes, beautiful dancing women and a wild sense of humor and fun. Thanks, Angelo, for capturing the carnival in photos - it's a sight to behold.

More Chicks in B&W

Shirley Temple
Gene Tierney
Marceline Day
I borrowed these lovely B&W vintage images from
Classic photographs all.

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Hokum Scorcher's Song, A Day Late

Snare Drum
There's a new song on my website player: "20 Second Man", original song by Billy Ward and His Dominoes from the 1950's ("60 Minute Man"), adapted by the Hokum Scorchers. Lou Reimuller on the National Guitar w/kazoo, vocals and Amy Crehore (me) on the snare drum this time w/vocals. (Recorded in 1992 - from "Feed the Kitty" by Hokum Scorchers). Scroll down for music player on my website:

This song will change every Sunday Night, so it might be different when you read this post.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Meg Hunt's Sketchbook

Page from Meg Hunt's Sketchbook

Julia Rothman ,an artist from Brooklyn, has a cool blog called "Book by it's Cover" . She regularly features artist sketchbooks and today she did a thing on Meg Hunt , a really great cartoonist/illustrator. Have a look:
You might also want to check out the archives for some other fascinating sketchbooks.

(Thanks to Drawn! )

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Where is Tickler Uke #2?

Well, it ain't done yet. The weather just simply isn't cooperating. Tickler Uke #2 is at the final stages, but things don't dry very well in these damp, cold conditions. So, it's taking longer than expected. This one has a special inlay on the front, a unique headstock design, a crazy-beautiful fingerboard, and a different shape than the first Tickler. There is a lot of binding on it as well. One has to wait around sometimes for the right conditions to finish things (especially wood). And my paints aren't cooperating lately either, so I have been drawing instead. Got plenty to do. Shows lined up, etc.
But, you can still get a t-shirt while you wait to see Tickler Uke #2. :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Female Form - Angles and Curves

Painting by Paul Cuvelier
"Composition" by Paul Cuvelier

Magritte's "The Dangerous Liason"
(Thanks to Art Deco blog )

I've been painting today, but the weather is acting up, so my oil paint is not going on very smoothly. It's frustrating. Had to wipe it down again. I decided that I had better quit for the day so as not to ruin what I've already got down. I thought we were well into spring, but the weather is not cooperating. It almost snowed earlier.

Anyhow, I thought I'd post these titillating images that I found. The top two are by Paul Cuvelier who was a comics artist (he created a series called Corentin, commissioned by Tin Tin's Herge). He was also an incredible painter. It looks like he had that "two women" composition thing down. More of his art to be found here. He did not live very long, unfortunately, and Corentin was not that successful and it ultimately wore him down and he quit comics. He spent the last 5 years of his life painting. The bottom painting is by Magritte, who did some very unusual things with the female form.

The Art of Amy Crehore