Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914) was a political cartoonist for "Punch", a book illustrator and a watercolorist. 'His forty-two illustrations (1865) for "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" had involved Tenniel in much acrimonious debate with Carroll, who insisted that the first edition be withdrawn because he was displeased with the reproductive quality of the prints. Reluctantly, Tenniel agreed to work on Carroll's "Through the Looking-Glass" (1872), his last book illustration. He was knighted by Queen Victoria in 1893, and continued his life-long association with "Punch" until 1901.' See and read more here:
on Victorian Web. Be sure to click through "next" to see all of his "Alice in Wonderland" illustrations which are a predecessor to surrealism and some of the most striking examples of Alice illustrations ever done (in my humble opinion). Inspiring!