"Nip-Cat" fine art ukulele, hand-painted design by Amy Crehore 2011

Back of Nip-Cat Ukulele showing green and silver duco finish from the late 1920s

Headstock design on Nip-Cat with gold letters (matching gold colored frets)

Design on front of Nip-Cat (devil-woman cat perched on top of brick wall, chewing on catnip-like plant)

Side-view of Nip-Cat ukulele (originally painted duco finish from 1920s)
Here's is my finished "Nip-Cat" fine art ukulele. I believe this model is a Regal from the late 1920s. It was stored in it's original Montgomery Ward mail order box and had never been played. There was no label or name on it. It has original tuners. The original finish is a wonderful green and silver (or grey) duco finish. I enhanced this antique ukulele with my own design. I had previously painted a black duco model called "The Demon" for my "Dreamgirls and Ukes" art show in Los Angeles. This one is a lot like it, although the headstock is shaped a little differently.
Reminder: If you happen to be in NYC this weekend, you are invited to Last Rites Gallery for the Dark Pop 3.0 Group Show (a group of artists who don't normally do dark art were asked to tap into their dark side). It opens Saturday, Jan. 15th, 2011 (from 7-11pm) and continues until Feb. 12, 2011. I did a special painting for it called "A Moonlit Ride" and I blogged about it here: LINK
View the show's online preview. Contact Last Rites for more info: LINK
Poodle Bitch believes the only way in which this piece could be improved upon is if a poodle were substituted for the cat.
Poodle Bitch, here's a song you might like (scroll down): http://www.amycrehore.com/page8.html
Love this.
Wish I could play.
Thanks, Val!! Maybe you can play.
I did not paint the green part of this uke. It's the
Authentic art deco finish. It's from the 1920s. I only
Painted the figure and lettering and brick wall.
to error is...well me, sorry, I should of re-read your discription; Not sure why I'd forgotten that, recall reading about the original 'Monkey' box....None the less my dear you certainly enhanced this wonderful piece.
Thanks! It did look like it needed something.
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