Ever wonder what it was like to go camping with the whole family in 1890? Stripes must have been "in" at the "Dew Drop Inn". See the girl playing her tennis racket like a guitar in the top photo? I found these two gems in a box of ancient family photos. I am related to some of these people. (Photos were taken in 1890 and 1891.)
The Art of Amy Crehore
So that's where you get it from! ;-)
I love your paintings, Amy. Wish I could afford a uke (although my brand new, unadorned Ashbury Tenor is pretty sweet!) Keep 'em comin'!
Thank you for sharing these.
My first thought was, "What great inspiration for steampunk!". It really shows the styles, patterns, and fabrics of the time.
I also love the variety of hats worn in the photo.
Thank you again!!! simply wonderful!!
I love the clothes, too. I think this may be in New York because it had "Lotus Point" hand-written on them. And the trees look eastern. I googled and found a Lotus Point Rd near Evangola State Park in Irving, NY.
These relatives were from Buffalo, NY.
There's a flag in the background of one- made me wonder, perhaps the fabric is red and white striped and intended to be patriotic? Perhaps the camping trip centered around Independence Day? Very interesting.
That bike has some crazy geometry/design!
Fantastic, wonderful family photos! I'd love to know what the empty upside down teacups signified. Probably a 100+ year old private joke.
-Sally J.
Practical Archivist
Maybe the upside down teacups mean that the ladies need some tea and aren't going to serve it themselves. Also, some of my relatives on this side of the family (the Fordes) were actors/performers/singers, so maybe that has something to do with the clothes and composition of the photos. Or maybe they were Fourth of July photos(?)
Apparently in the 1890's people did NOT smile for the camera, ever. Though they are obviously posing and putting on a show for the picture, its disconcerting to modern eyes how wooden-faced they all are.
They are usually stone-faced because they had to sit/stand very still for a long time in order to get a good photo- due to slower technology back then.
The other thing was, it was probably hot weather and they are wearing lots of clothes. That would make me frown.
"July & August was written on the side of the blue photo. And there were a list of names on the back of each photo.
Amy, great photos, nice art, am looking to hone my painting after my day job and your blog is a great inspiration.
Love the details in the photos...I've posted this photo to my FB page http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/home.php?ref=home
later, dan
I want to wear striped clothing next time i go camping!
Hey E.T. don't think you clicked to enlarge the images, most of the people in the first photo are smiling.
Love the things inside the tent - never go camping without your elegant en suite striped sofa.
Beautiful Amy.
They are all comedians in those outfits -posing for their traditional reunion photos. The top photo, most of them are smiling, it's true! Others have deadpan expressions in the bottom photo...but, there is even a dog posing on a chair...the youngest kids look bored or irritated as they often do at big family affairs.
Really beautiful work, Amy. Soft. Charming. Imaginative. Thanks for posting.
Are you my friend from oh so long ago in Prague?
Thanks for these fantastic shots. The sense of humor reminds me of a pair of photos that my sister found in a box of old family photos. One was of a row of stolid, humorless-looking people standing on a lawn: potato-shaped women who were taller than the scrawny men. The second photo was of the very same row of people - from behind. Regardless of how they looked, someone had a sense of humor.
Amy, I don't know where you live but,
where I live the Crehore name is well known. There is a portrait of a woman with that last name hanging in the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Elyria, OH. There are two Crehore Streets in Lorain County. I understand there was a developer named Crehore who built many of the homes in these areas.
Hi Shoma-
The camping photos are of the Forde family and friends - a different branch of my family. But, I have heard about the Crehores in Ohio and also the Crehores in Milton, MA.
I might be related to one or both of those, if you go back far enough. Thanks for writing! I did not know about the portrait or developer, but I knew about the street name in Ohio.
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