Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Dreamgirls and Ukes" Sneak Peeks

Ten of the restored, vintage ukes on the floor of my studio. They still need a bit of final paint.

Here is the front of the postcard for the Thinkspace show. They did a great job with the graphics.
I often blog links to flickr sets. This time, I am blogging my own. I just posted some sneak peeks of my art for my upcoming show at Thinkspace Gallery in L.A. (opens Feb 13, 2009 and runs through March 6th). The 14 paintings are finished and need to be framed. The 13 ukes are almost there. I will be finishing them up this weekend. For clarification: these are fully restored (by Lou Reimuller) antique ukes, most from the 1920's and 1930's. Some are rare, some near mint, some are brand names. All playable. They will all be set up by a luthier, but they are also hand-painted (by me) fine art objects which will hang next to my paintings in the gallery setting.

"Dreamgirls and Ukes" studio shots on flickr
(you can watch it as a slideshow)
The Art of Amy Crehore

Friday, January 23, 2009

Crankbait featured in "Outdoor Life"

Hey kids, the crankbait lures we painted a while back for Steve Lodefink of Finkbuilt blog now appear in "Outdoor Life" magazine, February issue. The online art show was a lot of fun with a lot of great artists. Read about it and view it here:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Movers and Shakers" Exhibit, L.A. opens Feb 14, 2009

The day after my solo show opens at Thinkspace Gallery in Feb., another exciting show will be happening in Los Angeles in Chinatown. I am also taking part in this show. It is called "Movers and Shakers", curated by Gino Joukar. The date is Valentine's Day, Feb 14, 2009, from 7-11 pm. Here is the show postcard. It will be tons of fun. (Click image to enlarge to see a fantastic list of some of your favorite artists) For more information, including a preview of a special boxset of prints go here:


The Art of Amy Crehore

Monday, January 19, 2009

Interview with Amy Crehore in INKED Magazine (FEB)

I'm so excited. This really nice magazine did a full page interview with me about my upcoming solo art show ("Dreamgirls and Ukes", Thinkspace, L.A., Feb 13). They printed two of my paintings and photos of my No. 1 Tickler Ukulele. I just got my copy! It's the Feb. issue of INKED Magazine. Jennifer Goldstein did a great job writing it.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Theme from Amarcord

The theme from Amarcord by Nino Rota was always my favorite.

Here's a film clip w/the music.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What am I up to?

Hoop Dream (Detail) by Amy Crehore
Here is just a detail of a small new painting. I have been finishing up my paintings for my "Dreamgirls and Ukes" show. There will be 14 new paintings in the show unless I find time to add another. Not sure if I will put sketches in the show or not. There will also be 13 hand-painted, restored vintage ukuleles in this show. Still working on those. Those are 85% done. Then I will have to photograph and frame, plus all the rest (including practicing music). I will be painting something on the front wall of the gallery as well. Thinkspace Gallery will have a "question and answer" with me on their blog soon. I'll let you know when. There's also an ad in Juxtapoz and an interview in Inked Magazine (February issues). They should be out now. I will be blogging more details and paintings very soon.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oscar Schmidt 1920 Koa Uke for Xmas

Click on image to enlarge
I got this incredible gem for Xmas. Flame koa antique uke with a koa bridge and nice detailing all around. The headstock I wanted, too - it's sort of a paddle-shape at the top. It was made around 1920- give or take. This photo does not do justice to it. The flame wood is iridescent.
The Art of Amy Crehore