Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Some New Views

Some new views: top photo is looking out into my backyard from a window in the house (neat 15 ft. Alice in Wonderland hedge). Bottom photo: a photo of the golf course up the hill from my new house. It has a nice view of the big butte. I can see the coast range in the distance up there as well. I'm looking forward to taking many new hikes!

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

A Halloween Cat in a Pot

photo credit: Amy Crehore
I took this photo many years ago at my old house. I can't be sure if this is my current cat or another dear cat that I had for only a few months. My cat has really round eyes and this cat's eyes are a bit slanted, so I think it is possibly the other cat (who got hit by a car). Very similar markings.
The big green flower pot was left behind at the old place during my recent move.
I probably gave away half my stuff during the move.
I am now at a new location about a mile from my old house.
It is just a question now of unpacking boxes and getting my studio back in shape to work again.
More soon....

Friday, September 20, 2013

What am I up to?

I'm busy sorting and packing for a move this month. That is why my art projects (the new uke and paintings) are temporarily on hold and my blog posts are less frequent. I found this old passport photo of me taken upon graduating college. I was off to England to live for a while. Ah, memories.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Surreal photo of the artist Magritte 1969

 René Magritte photographed by Michael Cooper for Vogue UK, February 1969. via link
Magritte Drawing
Love From A Distance by Magritte

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Charlie Chaplin, Sunnyside 1919

Here are a couple of fantasy stills from the film "Sunnyside" (1919)
 starring Charlie Chaplin as the Tramp.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Some Links for You

Shown here: Just a detail of a larger illustration that I did for The Magazine . Art by Amy Crehore 2013.
(My original illustration art for this has now been sold, oil on wood)

I recently did an illustration for The Magazine (digital subscription magazine)
Issue 24 August 29, 2013
Article is Hacked Off by Rosie Spinks. Editor Glenn Fleishman @GlennF
Here are some more links for fun:
  1. How Video Games Revived the Dying Art of Japanese Woodprinting, article John Brownlee Fast Company Design LINK
  2. 1972 Interview with Moe Howard of Three Stooges LINK 
  3. Vent Haven Museum in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky has tons of ventriloquist dummies on display LINK
  4. Crazy French Clown Photos1900-1930s LINK
  5. Pre-Raphaelite Mural uncovered in William Morris' Red House LINK
  6. Magritte cover art for Minotaure issue 10 1937 LINK
  7. French staircase, early 19th century LINK
  8. Hilarious Mennen Talc Ad from 70s LINK
  9. Leo Dohmen, photographer with surrealist period 1929-1999 LINK