Thursday, March 11, 2010

Poorly Framed Photo Makes Great Art

Poorly Framed
Originally uploaded by stevechasmar
That's exactly why I like this.
The head is cut off and the pose
is a hoot. I used to compose my own
art photos cutting off the tops of heads
..but, never the entire head. Wonder why I
never thought of that?

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Engraved Pearl Inlay

Detail of fingerboard on John C. Haynes 1895 banjo -made for William E. Stratton
I love this design.
From the amazing book,

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Crehore Piano at auction this week

This is interesting.There are a few bass viols and a piano made by Benjamin Crehore, an ancestor of mine, in The Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Up for auction this week is another piano that was part of the Boston Library collection (detail shown above). Partial description:
Federal Mahogany Inlaid Benjamin Crehore Piano, Milton, Massachusetts, c. 1800, ht. 34 3/4, wd. 84, dp. 23 in. Note: Benjamin Crehore (1754-1831) was born in Milton, Massachusetts, and was the first instrument maker in New England to build pianos. Lot 381
Previews all week at Skinner Skinner, 63 Park Plaza, Boston, MA
Auction time: March 7, 2010 11 AM Auction #2494
News for antique instrument lovers in NYC: The André Mertens Galleries for Musical Instruments reopened yesterday at Metropolitan Museum after an eight-month hiatus. Showcasing more than 230 works of art. LINK
A daylong exploration of early music on Saturday, March 13, 2010—
Early Music Exposed—at the Metropolitan Museum will celebrate the reopening of the galleries.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Trompe l'oeil Banjo Uke

Uke Design Drawings copyright Amy Crehore 2010
Here's the sketch for the head and headstock of the antique Slingerland birds-eye maple banjo uke (1920s) that I am currently painting. This one is a lot like my
black tuxedo uke, but it is blond-color. I have created an original design (shown above) where the little pierrot is popping through the head. Looks a little bit like trompe l'oeil. I am having fun painting it. I will show you photos of the finished ukulele when I'm done, so stay tuned.
These vintage ukes are like "found objects" to me - transformed into fine art objects. Each instrument is lovingly restored to playability by my luthier (I wouldn't have it any other way). This one is in excellent shape. The banjo heads, for me, are just like painting on stretched canvas -complete with their metal and wooden frames. Each one is different and unique. For more info on this hot little jazz age instrument- Wikipedia: Banjolele or Banjo Ukes.
I am also currently working on some regular canvases and a letterpress print project. Although I play vintage music now and again, my main concentration is painting. I feel like my art should reflect everything that I am interested in.
If you'd like a Banjo Gal print for $40, be sure to order by midnight March 3, PST.