Friday, July 13, 2007

Vintage Hollywood Magazines

Look what I found at
Aren't these beautiful old illustrations from the 20's?
The Art of Amy Crehore

Unknown Flemish Masters

Portrait of the Artist and his Wife, 1496, Oil on panel, 38 x 26 cmKoninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp
Be sure to click to enlarge this one. It's so cool. Check out the fly on his wife's bonnet!
Some of the unknown masters of Flemish and Italian art of the 15th century are amazing.
Unknown Flemish masters and lots of other art:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Eight Useless Facts

Here are the rules:1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. 2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules. 4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and that they should read your blog.
Eight facts about me:
1. I used to suck my thumb and it gave me crooked teeth
2. I ate at the same Korean Restaurant once a week for the past 7 years or something.
3. I have a scar on my lip from being hit in the face with a jack-in-the-box when I was six.
4. I post things on forums or this blog sometimes when I am tired and upset and not thinking. Then I regret it later and I have those things removed. And then I try to have the posts removed from search engines.
5. I played the song "Gloria" on the back of Ken Kesey's float in a parade. He was dressed in a bear suit. He almost hit his head on a tree branch.
6. I am painting a couple of paintings right now of "Lolitas"
7. I am sitting in a big mess and it's 100 degrees.
8. I hike up a small mountain once a day if possible.
Okay...this is a dare from and I'm supposed to post links to eight other blogs and dare them to do it, too. Louise Brooks- maybe she will come back from the dead and speak to us!
John Brownlee at
Marshall Sponder at
Mark Fraunfelder at
Chris Keeley at Daily Dreamtime

Uke Angel

Ukulele Angel oil painting by Artist Chet Saur, Darien CT.
Image from Ukuleles.Us
I think there are a lot of Ukulele Angels out there. It's time to get in the mood. I should be unveiling my fine art uke by the end of the week. Stay tuned.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Piero Di Cosimo 1462-1521

The Death of Procris 1510

Venus and Mars 1498
There is something strange and unusual about these two paintings by Florentine painter Piero Di Cosimo. The dog in the top painting and the rabbit below both seem to have empathy for the human characters. I especially like the "Death of Procris". It's got a lot of feeling, glowing colors and nice composition.
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