Friday, July 12, 2013

More cool links from Little Hokum Rag

Amy Crehore Studio July 2013
As I begin to start the next two paintings in new my series, I am blogging a new list of links that might be of interest-
  1.  Amazing ukulele w/flashing lights (youtube)Le Le AvantGarde by lighting ukulele LINK !
  2. The link above was tweeted by Bosko and Honey of Ukulele Safari (thanks!)
  3. See models buried in sand w/bathing caps & red lipstick, the surreal fifties The Nifty Fifties !
  4. Collection of 7 videos of 60s/70s bands/performers doing the song Season of the Witch LINK !
  5. Giant sculpture of Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth) from Pride and Prejudice in lake HUH magazine !
  6. How a Bat is like a Bow String from Science Now: LINK  (Thanks Internet Weekly) !
  7. BoingBoing featured my newest painting A Gymnast's Memory of Fall LINK !
  8. Internet Weekly also featured same painting in their wonderful Art LINKS section!
  9. Internet Weekly featured my A Bellhop's Memory of Spring the week before that. LINK !
  10. Mardecortesbaja also posted my Gymnast's painting. Thanks, Lloyd!

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