Thursday, May 03, 2012

The World Underground 1741

See a fascinating Flickr Set of Illustrations to Ludvig Holberg's The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground (first published in Latin in 1741, this is a later version, I believe). Read an article about this" satirical science fiction/fantasy novel" here: Public Domain Review . This book inspired Mary Shelly and Edgar Allen Poe. Ludvig Holberg lived from 1684 to 1754 and is referred to as the father of Danish and Norwegian literature. LINK
I'm sort of wondering who came up with the illustrations?

The Art of Amy Crehore

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

One man on an island with tortoises

86 year old Brendan Grimshaw bought an island in the Indian Ocean
in the early 60s and made it more than livable for himself.
It became the world's smallest national park.
Just watch. Thanks, Mark at boingboing for this inspiring, true story.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Natural Fashion, Natural Art

I've been looking at the photos that Hans Silvester took of the people of the Omo Valley (Surma and Mursi Tribes) in east Africa. These people decorate each other in the most creative ways. On this link you will find some fascinating photos from his book, Natural Fashion: Tribal Decoration from Africa, such as the one shown here.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Time Lapse - Clouds

timerPan2 a video by steve_lodefink on Flickr.
This is beautiful. Steve Lodefink shot this little film of clouds. He tells you how he does it on his blog, Finkbuilt, where you will see a few more time lapse films of Seattle.

Via Flickr:
another kitchen timer time lapse pan.
Rainbow ending.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sheet Music Designs of Magritte

Hyperallergic has some examples of sheet music that Rene Magritte, the surrealist painter, designed in the 1920s. Follow the link below to see a couple more examples. Apparently he designed and illustrated about 40 in all. These designs reflect the art deco period. Just about every representational painter in art history did some sort of commercial work. Magritte was a well-rounded artist with a knack for composition and design as well as a talent for creating mysterious paintings.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

1949 Bigsby Solid Body Electric

This guitar just sold at the Vintage Guitars and Musical Instrument Signature Auction in Dallas for a whopping $266,500. LINK If you want to find out more about the maker of this instrument, Paul Bigsby, there is a new blog called The Bigsby Files. Deke Dickerson is the author of the new blog.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Saber's Pick #4 (Amy Crehore)

This is so cool! Wonderful artist Saber held a contest on twitter to pick an artist to be featured in Juxtapoz print magazine and I came in at number 4. I am really honored. This is what he wrote about my art: "(Amy Crehore) Is a savage painter. She sneaks by you casting a line and hook that then reels you into her innocent sexual playfulness all the while leaving you stranded as a tickled voyeur creeping in on this dreamlike island utopia where anything goes…I wouldn’t mine being stranded for a bit. Great detailed technical paintings."
 Made my day.
Go to: Saber's Blog
where you can see the winner and list of finalists.
Check out Saber's Art and follow him on twitter.
You can follow me on twitter as well.