Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Felix Vallotton

 Reclining Nude 1914 
Rest 1911
 The White and the Black 1913
Turkish Bath 1907

What a great artist Felix Vallotton was. He was prolific and there are many examples to be found of his work online, however I was only familiar with a couple of his images in books that I have at home. 
Here are a handful of nudes that I found recently when googling his images. His art has a clean, smart sense of design. He had a wonderful feeling for dynamic color and form. 
He even did a portrait of Gertrude Stein. 
Félix Edouard Vallotton (December 28, 1865 – December 29, 1925) was a 
Swiss painter associated with Les Nabis.

La Chevelure Blonde 1915

The Art of Amy Crehore

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Letterpress Print by Amy Crehore on Sale

Here's a detail of my Shygals' Serenade 3-color limited edition letterpress print. 
Follow this link to view larger image. On sale for a limited time.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Holes for Breathing

I could not resist blogging this photo of a full face swimming mask from the 1920s.
(Thanks retronaut via Memory of the Netherlands)

Monday, March 24, 2014


Spring in Oregon - photo taken the other day

Detail of my painting- "A Fig Leaf Parasol"  (Amy Crehore 2012)
The Art of Amy Crehore

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Revisiting my L.A. solo show

It was called "Dreamgirls and Ukes". It took place at Thinkspace in L.A. in Feb 2009.
There were 15 paintings and 13 painted ukes. The Hokum Scorchers (Lou Reimuller and I)
 played music at the opening. 
Here's one of my paintings- "Monkey Love Song" (Amy Crehore).
Here's the link to all images-

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Dancer and the Lily (Lilliput Pocket Omnibus 1930s)

Love these two comparison images from the book Lilliput Pocket Omnibus 1937
Here are some more! 

1920s Illustrated Children's Covers by Takeo Takei

Covers by Takeo Takei for the illustrated magazine "Children's Land", 1922–33 on
  50 Watts blog 
Follow this link for more! These are amazing. Thanks,Will.