Sunday, October 19, 2008

WWII Envelope Art

There is a small collection on flickr of historically interesting and humorous envelope cartoons: "A group of original and vintage WWII envelopes decorated with drawings by Corporal Weinert, an Army soldier who served during WWII. He created these works of art on envelopes he used to mail letters home to his wife." It looks like in the top one she was Miss York and in the bottom one she is Mrs. Weinert. I wonder if he wooed her with his art.
See a few more here:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

This Is On My Dining Room Wall

Yes, it's none other than a giant Mr. Peanut. He greets me each day and does a little dance while I eat my dinner. His cane is missing, but he's still got his monocle and spats.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Sale Continues Until Halloween...Plus Bonus!

I am extending my website sale until Halloween and I will personally include one very small, signed drawing in every order of prints or Uke T-shirts from now until then (limited to one drawing per person.) How's them apples?

The Art of Amy Crehore

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Walter Schnackenberg's Surreal Drawings

The decapitated girl and the bat (1949)
The sleepwalker (1956)
You can see more of these fascinating drawings at
Walter Schnackenberg was a German artist born in Bad Lauterburg in 1880. This small body of work is highly imaginative, unique and unforgettable.

Zulus Playing Ping Pong

Missionaries taught the Zulu tribe to play games. Click on images to enlarge. More photos: LINK

Monday, October 13, 2008

This is Hanging in My Kitchen

These are Victorian trade cards -which I blogged about some time ago. The top one, "Brooks Spool Cotton" happens to be an image that I live with everyday. I have a metal repro-sign hanging on the wall of my kitchen. It makes me smile when I make my coffee in the morning. The trade cards for the sewing industry are among my favorites. Here's one for J & P Coats thread featuring cats teasing a vicious dog (bottom image). Right up my alley!
Thanks for reminding me of this great art BibliOdyssey .

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Glamour Halloween

A collection of vintage glamour Halloween photos plus more:
Thanks to Confetta on flickr. So cool!