Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Photos and a Collage

"Metropolis" collage by Paul Citroen 1923
inspired Fritz Lang to create the film, "Metropolis"

These photos are by Paul Citroen, too.
Read about him here

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paul Newman

With wife Joanne.
A creative and full life lived. Rest in peace. You are missed by all.

New Paintings by Thomas Woodruff

"Saturn" by Thomas Woodruff
"Uranus" by Thomas Woodruff

Ever since I went to NYC in July, I have been anticipating the Thomas Woodruff show at PPOW. It opens Oct. 10, 2008, but the images are up on the gallery website already. It's called "Solar System (The Turning Heads)". And, leave it to Thomas Woodruff to come up with something even more sparkly and fantastic than he's already done. These images can be turned upside down in an old-fashioned topsy turvy way. He's cool. His technical abiIities are nothing short of amazing. I'll never forget when he showed in Eugene at the museum here. I've been a fan of his forever. He's got a website now: . It's still being worked on, but his "Freak Parade" images are up and you can read his bio. Meanwhile, have a look at his new "Solar System" show online here:

smoking. . .

smoking. . .
Originally uploaded by undream

This is very strange.

Click on the photo to see the animated version at flickr.

posted by undream

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mysterious Cottingley Fairies

"The Cottingley Fairies are a series of five photographs taken by Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths, two young cousins living in Cottingley, near Bradford in England, depicting the two in various activities with supposed fairies. In 1917, when the first two photos were taken, Elsie was 16 years old and Frances was 10. In 1981 the two women admitted to faking all but one of the photographs, but insisted that they really had seen fairies."
Read more at Wikipedia
And see the rest of the remarkable photos here

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hokum Music

I just posted some Hokum Scorchers songs to a myspace page where you can download them if you want to:
I will upload new ones periodically.